St Peter's RC Primary School

Achievements (Ofsted and Others)

End of Year Achievements 2024

Please click on the link to view the academic results summary for the year 2023-2024

Results Summary 2023 2024


Catholic Schools Inspectorate - September 2023

In September 2023 we had a Catholic Schools Inspectorate, we are proud to announce that we were graded a rating of Good on our last inspection.

"St Peters is first and foremost a loving, family school where all are supported and cared for". 

                                                                                                     CES Inspection 2023

"There is a strong relationship between School and Parish". As parents told the inspectors "the School is the Parish and the Parish is the school"

                                                                                                     CES Inspection 2023

"The school develops pupils into confident and religiously articulate individuals, giving pupils a secure foundation for life beyond the school".

                                                                                                     CES Inspection 2023


"Pupils embrace opportunities to plan and lead prayer and liturgy which is impacting on the faith development of the whole school community".

                                                                                                     CES Inspection 2023


"The school uses a common language to articulate its mission which is understood and acted upon by pupils and adults alike".

                                                                                                     CES Inspection 2023


SSAT Educational Outcomes Award 2023

"Exceptional Pupil Attainment"

In recognition of being in the top 20% of schools national for pupil attainment in the 2023 KS2 Tests.



In March 2023 we had an Ofsted Inspection (Section 8) which concluded that "there has been no change to this school’s overall judgement of Outstanding as a result of this ungraded (section 8) inspection."


"There is a calm and orderly environment across the school. Pupils know the routines exceptionally well. The school makes sure that pupils are kept safe. Pupils’ behaviour across the school is excellent."

Ofsted Inspection 2024


"Pupils learn an ambitious curriculum that matches and exceeds what is expected nationally. The school enables pupils to achieve extremely highly."

Ofsted Inspection 2024


"Staff are highly skilled to support pupils to tackle more complex ideas as they move through the school"

Ofsted Inspection 2024


"Teachers make adaptations to pupils’ work skilfully. This ensures that those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive an appropriate level of challenge in their learning."

Ofsted Inspection 2024


"The reading curriculum is highly effective. Staff have been well trained to implement the school’s phonics programme as soon as children join Reception."

Ofsted Inspection 2024


"All adults check pupils’ learning and they address misconceptions with precision."

Ofsted Inspection 2024


"The school supports pupils to be responsible citizens. For example, pupils take part in workshops about citizenship and learn how to manage money."

Ofsted Inspection 2024


"Parents and carers felt highly positive about how the school works with them and their children."

Ofsted Inspection 2024


Visitor's Comments

When STEPS visited in May 2023 they commented on how very welcoming St.Peter’s School is. 

The School Nursing Service remarked (April 2023)on our pupils’ excellent behaviour, and that St.Peter’s school is always calm and well organised. April 2023