St Peter's RC Primary School

Faith in Action

At St Peter's School we grew our own vegetables (potatoes, shallots, carrots and pumpkins).  We showed how to share God's love by sharing the fresh produce with our school community. 


We support lots of charities throughout the year and staff, children and their families are always extremely generous in their support of others.

Money is raised through fund raising events and charitable donations from the school community. This year we made donations to CAFOD and the Greenwich Food bank. 



The children learnt about the importance of Remembrance Day and discussed stories of wartime heroes. Year 5 and 6 focused particularly on the cultural diversity of those who contributed to the war effort, learning about the life of Walter Tull and the tragedy of the sinking of the SS Mendi ship. 



We raised £125 in aid of Save the Children on Christmas Jumper Day thanks to the generosity of our families. The children looked fantastic in their Christmas jumpers. The school was filled with colour and Christmas cheer. 



Thanks to the generosity of St Peter's staff members, money was raised to enable each child to receive a Christmas gift. Santa and one of his elves delivered the presents to very excited classrooms.