Pupil's Voice
House Captains:
Throughout the school year, children work towards earning points for their houses. Children are rewarded points for good behaviour, special accomplishments, showing gospel values and more. Every half term the Year 6 pupils are given the responsibility to count the house points across each class and the winning house team is announced in our weekly assemblies. The winning house team are given a treat of their choice in order to celebrate their achievements.
This year our house captains are:
St Paul: Ibitope and Samuel
St Luke: Jessica and Damilola
St Teresa: Mickaella and Colin
Martin Luther King: Georgina and Best
School Council:
At St. Peter’s, we feel it is important that children have a voice. Our school council is a group of elected children from Years 2 - 6, who work together to represent the views of all our children in our school. In doing so we hope to improve the school so that it meets the needs, and fulfils the potential, of all our children who attend.
We have several job roles to fulfil. These include:
- School tours for visitors.
- Ambassadors for the school at events.
- Identify class feedback of the agenda discussion points.
- Improve parts of the school that are a priority.
- Help organise events.
- Decide on action points for improvements.
The School Council representatives meet each term with a teacher to discuss school events and changes. We also inform our class of any news from these meetings.
Some of the aims for this year and the future ahead include:
- Organising fundraising events for chosen charities.
- To organise and participate in cross partnership sport events.
- To introduce Growth Mindset using a whole school approach.
- To introduce the Daily Mile across the school.
- Developing a staff choir.
Any pupil can talk to us at any time to let us know if they have a worry or concern about something at school or even if they have a great idea. Members of the School Council will be responsible for any changes implemented and agreed at the meeting.
This year our School Council are:
Year 2 – Bryan and Faith
Year 3 – Cariza and Cassidy
Year 4 – Destiny and Joseph
Year 5 – Daniel and Olivia
Year 6 – Colin and Chizitere
Junior Travel Ambassadors:
The Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs) are four pupils from Year 5 who are responsible for promoting an active and safer travel to and from school. The role of a JTA is to encourage a greener approach to transport. We like to see our friends and fellow pupils walking to school wherever possible. Walking to and from school is important, but we also want pupils of St. Peter’s primary school to be safe on the roads of London. We work with our school to create a safer environment. We also have a lot of fun activities to encourage a safe and sensible attitude to the roads of London.
Our Aims
To encourage our friends and fellow pupils to walk to school.
To make sure the pupils of our school are safe on the roads of London.
To raise awareness of road safety.
To suggest new ways to make the area around our school safe for our friends.
Future Projects
We have lots of projects planned for the future. These include:
Participating in Walk to School week.
Organising Road Safety talks for all year groups, including an assembly and Road Safety workshops.
Planning a Day-Glo day to raise awareness of safety during dark mornings.
Organising BRAKE Kid’s Walk and Dr Bike repair days.
The Junior Travel Ambassadors meet twice each term with the School Travel Plan Champion to discuss and plan events. We also inform our classes of any news from these meetings.
The Junior Travel Ambassadors are:
Chloe - Year 4
Zarae - Year 4
Aiden-Le - Year 4
John - Year 4
Damilola - Year 5
Jesse - Year 5
Faith Leaders:
At St. Peter’s, we have appointed a group of Faith Leaders ranging from Year 2 through to Year 6. They have several roles within our school. These include planning and delivering Collective Worship, organising special Religious Masses and events, working closely with teachers and collecting pupil voice from the children of St. Peter’s.
The children who have been appointed as Faith Leaders are extremely enthusiastic and excited about their role and will be carrying out their duties with dedication.
As Proverbs 11:14 states “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety”.
Our Faith Leaders are:
Year 2 - Enioluwatoyosi and Zion
Year 3 - Rachel and Aiden W
Year 4 - Maria and Evaan
Year 5 - Isobel and Best
Year 6 - Karmorie and Raheem