St Peter's RC Primary School

St Peters Breakfast & Afterschool Club


We are delighted to introduce you to our Breakfast & Afterschool Club (BAClub) provision. Our BA Club provision is presently running term time only and operates in 2 shifts:

Morning: 07:30 - 08:45 priced at £5.00 per session 

Afternoon: 15:15 - 18:00 priced at £10.00 per session 

Please note if you book both sessions across the week the price will reduce to £14.00 for the day resulting in a £5.00 saving across the week.

Late fees are applicable.

  • Our URN number is 100175
  • DFE Number 2033585
  • Eden Red Carer Account Number P21362368
  • CCG Reference Number CCG9435552

For those parents using the schemes which are invoiced please email  with your booking request for the week / month and I will then generate an invoice based on the charge. Please support us by uploading the funds to the account in good time if you wish to use the scheme and send confirmation of your required booking to the email address. 

We will be using a platform called Parent Mail to book this service, you can find the app on your android google play store or apple store app. This can also be accessed via computer. When making the booking you are able to pay directly by card, alternatively you can pay by your Government Gateway account. Please allow sufficient time for your money to be loaded on to the app should you wish to use this method. 

Before a child can attend the club we must have the accurate information held - we therefore provide you with a mandatory form which you can find below. This must  be completed prior to a child attending. 

BA Club Contract


Bookings are open from 6am - 1pm - emergency bookings after this time need to be made via the office where we can manually add or open the reservation for you. 0208 265 0028

In the event of an emergency such as late collection of your child - we have a mobile number  for the BA Team 07350884521.

Please note this line is only in use during the hours of the club. All enquiries in school hours can come via the main office.


Please find the suggested program below and additional information regarding the food and beverages served:


Weekend refresher, children will come together to discuss their weekends as we learn about their individual experiences

Arts and crafts table – Drawing, painting, sketching and sticking we will adapt this to festivities such as Christmas / Easter creating decorations for those that wish to.

Free play – toys, board game and physical activities outside

Reading books will be available everyday as part of reading for pleasure


ICT Day – Children can access the ICT suite, we will give them research tasks to do and games to play

Free play – toys, board games / physical activity equipment / playdoh construction

Reading books will be available everyday as part of reading for pleasure

Arts and crafts table – Drawing, painting and sticking we will adapt this to festivities such as Christmas / Easter creating decorations for those that wish to.


Fancy dress day – children have access to a range of fancy dress to enhance their imaginations!

Free play – toys, board games and physical activity equipment

Sewing club – children will have an opportunity to practice their sewing skills learning different stitches to aid them in the future

Arts and crafts table – Drawing, painting and sticking we will adapt this to festivities such as Christmas / Easter creating decorations for those that wish to.


Cooking – children will make items such as fruit kebabs, decorating biscuits etc

Arts and crafts table – Drawing, painting and sticking we will adapt this to festivities such as Christmas / Easter creating decorations for those that wish to.


Movie day – children will enjoy snacks and drinks whilst they can opt to watch a movie with their peers

Kids story time – children use their imagination to tell stories to their peers – this increases confidence in public speaking and strengthens their abilities with creative writing

*optional help with homework parents to inform the team 

Children will have a choice of breakfast options, including a variety of cereals and toast with a selection of toppings.  Snacks will be provided in the afternoon club such as pasta, noodles, wraps and  toast with toppings selection of fruit and crudites.  Water, milk and juice will also be provided