Welcome to Our School 
Dear Parents
It is with great pleasure as Headteacher of St Peter’s RC Primary School that I can introduce you to our amazing school. Through our school website we aim to provide a high degree of communication between school, parents and the community. When you open the pages you will find detailed information about our school. We hope you find this site useful.
Our school community is a strong vibrant one where children are well supported by a dedicated, strong team of teachers, teaching assistants, parents, our local Parish and by the surrounding community.
My vision for the school is to ensure that we continue to have a strong focus on our Christian values. We want to grow like a seed grows into a lovely plant and to become better people and to share the Gospel values with the world we live in. Each term we will focus on a different Christian Value. This is done through our Collective worship, curriculum and everything we do at St Peter’s RC Primary School. Father Roy and Father Joseph help us to reinforce our understanding of each value. The values we explore and strive to live by are: Love, Hope, Honesty, Respect, Forgiveness and Perseverance.
Our teaching is based upon the belief that every child is unique and that it is a privilege to guide and accompany then on their learning journey. We believe that the God given talents of each individual are the foundation of a school family where everybody is able to flourish and achieve their own unique potential in Christ. We aim to grow in faith with your child, guiding them, in partnership with you, to become people of resilience, responsibility and commitment in an ever changing world.
This reflects our school motto “It’s nice to be nice”. Children learn in a positive climate that fosters self-esteem, where all children are valued and where learning is fun.
As a school we strive for high standards and feel that these are best achieved when the school and parents are working together in partnership with the child. As key educators in your children’s lives, I feel that it is important that you feel you have a voice and that as a school we are approachable and allocate time to listen to your concerns, worries or thoughts about the school. We have an open door policy in school, please feel free to talk to both myself and the senior leadership team.
You can be assured that as Headteacher, I will strive to create the best education for your child/children whilst they are members of our school family.
Please use the school office contact details if you would like any further information.
I look forward to watching your children grow in confidence, knowledge and spirituality during their time at St Peter’s and I thank you in advance for the support.
Yours sincerely
Miss M Du Bruyn
To view St.Peter's school Prospectus, please click on the link: Prospectus